Synopsis: Based on the 1951 Ray Bradbury novel of the same name. Guy Montag is a firefighter who lives in a lonely, isolated society where books have been outlawed by a government fearing an independentthinking public. It is the duty of firefighters to burn any books on sight or said collections that have been reported by informants. People in this society including Montag’s wife are drugged into compliancy and get their information from wall-length television screens. After Montag falls in love with book-hoarding Clarisse, he begins to read confiscated books. It is through this relationship that he begins to question the government’s motives behind book-burning.
Fahrenheit 451
Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland
Release date:
Running time:
1 hours 53 minutes
François Truffaut
Julie Christie, Cyril Cusack, Oskar Werner
Age restriction:
French with English subtitles